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1 - Chief Medical Office, Mesoblast LTD Donna is the Chief Medical Officer for Mesoblast LTD. Her organization develops "biotherapeutics based on its proprietary cell-based technologies." Donna's role is to oversee 14 of those clinical studies. Her advice to students is to not just have a solid foundation of education, but to have a curious mind for the unknown.
2 - Consulting Toxicologist Craig is a retired toxicologist who spent a 36 year career consulting in the chemical industry. His role was to safeguard the public's health by researching and studying the hazardous nature of drugs and chemicals.
3 - Lead Value Demonstrator, Oxford PharmaGenesis Karen is the U.S. practice lead of value demonstration for one of the largest pharmaceutical consulting companies. Karen handles incoming requests for proposals, business development, and for creating and delivering new products!
4 - National Science Director, Ideas For Us Clayton is the National Science Director for Ideas For Us, a nonprofit with the goal of "helping to advance sustainability and environmental awareness through youth-led action." As a biologist and life-long philanthropist, Clayton brings passion to every project he encounters.
5 - Podiatric Surgeon (Foot and Ankle Surgeon) Larissa grew up in a family of doctors which influenced her to choose medicine as her career path. She majored in Biology from Rollins and now works at the Florida Hospital in Orlando.
6 - Senior Environmental Specialist Mary Sue Thompson works at the Orange County Sanitation District as Senior Environmental Specialist

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Buffalo State University  •  1300 Elmwood Avenue  •  Cleveland Hall 306
Buffalo, New York 14222  •  Phone: (716) 878-5811  •  Fax: (716) 878-3152